From Cambodia we went straight to Ratchaburi, our home for the past year. We stayed with our Thai Mother, P'Gee, and indulged in her amazing cooking! Some favorites included fried pumpkin, fried mushrooms, fried morning glory, and much more! It was lovely to spend some time with P'Gee and bicycle around Ratchaburi one last time before we left Thailand.

After 3 nights, we packed up all our belongings for the past year (way too much stuff!!) and headed to our other home, the city of Bangkok. We did some last minute shopping, visited our favorite mall and movie theater (MBK), and met up with some friends (Jon, Andy, and Nic) for our last nights out in Bangkok. Those guys have been our guides to the more interesting and entertaining parts of the city, so it was nice to have one last crazy, fun weekend in Bangkok. We'll miss all the friends we've made while in Thailand. It's been the most amazing year, with the most amazing friends. We're sad to leave.
~ Stacy
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