Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pro's and Con's of Thailand

As our time here in Thailand is coming to an end, we’ve created a list of things we’ll miss and what we’re happy to leave behind. It’s been a blast and there’s nothing we would change or do differently. We both value our time spent here and cherish the friends and memories made, the places visited, and all the experiences we've had this past year.

Things we will miss:

- Our weekends on the southern coasts and the islands
- Spicy fish sauce/vinegar/chili peppers condiment
- Luke Skywalker, our stray dog
- Cheap weekend getaways
- Cheap food and beer (Randi: Leo, Stacy: Chang)
- Cheap transport
- Riding bikes to school
- Thai time (when in our favor)
- Smiley, friendly people
- Most students
- Cheap clothes
- Warm, sunny weather (Stacy)
- Elephants
- Karaoke
- Street food
- Pirated DVDs
- Buckets (mixed drinks)
- Photo frenzies
- Wacky Thai bands
- Live acoustic music on the beach
- Moto-taxi’s
- Diverse landscape of Thailand
- Bangkok (Stacy)
- Thai tea
- Ratchaburi
- Being tan all year round (Randi)
- Fans (Stacy)
- Watermelon shakes

Things we won’t miss:

- Thai food
- The fact that we’d be so much skinnier if we didn’t drink so much doughy beer (Stacy)
- Sweating (Randi)
- Hard beds
- Shower and toilet all in one
- Ants on our skin
- Scorpions in our bathroom
- Spiders
- Always having dirty feet
- Bad skin
- It’s ruined our luxurious locks
- Deteriorating health (Randi)
- Thai spatial awareness
- Turkish toilets
- Deteriorating bicycles (Stacy)
- Unreliable and slow Thai internet
- Thai fashion sense and vanity
- Close encounters with motorized vehicles while riding a bike (Randi)
- Thai time
- Thai behavior:
         Two-faced, fake, petty, immature, dishonest Thai attitudes
- Small clothing sizes
- Sweltering, sticky heat
- Bows, pok-a-dots, and ruffles on everything
- Viral mosquitoes
- Sand flies (Randi)
- Bangkok traffic
- Having to pay for drinking water
- Thai school system (55 + students per class)
- Skin whitening products
- Old perverted Western men with young Thai women
-7- Eleven
- Sangsom and Hong Thong whiskey
- Wearing skirts everyday for school

~ Randi and Stacy

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