Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Chumpon, Thailand

This past weekend Randi and I went South to Chumpon, via a 4 hour air-conditioned express train. It was a large improvement from our last journey south when we spent 6 hours on the floor in 3rd class.We were there to celebrate our friend Bridgette's B-Day. Randi, Lucy, and I stayed in a bungalow near the beach. We had a fourth roommate as well, a large spider in the bathroom. The fine accommodations included a Turkish toilet, and only 2 small pillows and one blanket for the 3 of us.  On Friday night, we went to a beach party and spent the night dancing to Thai bands playing reggae music. Saturday was spent at the beach and getting oil messages.

The theme of the weekend was masks, although Randi and I were the only ones that brought masks (we'd bribed Win with beer to make them:)). At around 11 pm on Saturday night, while at a beach bar, we all got the urge to head into  town. There were no taxis or motos available at that hour, so the bar owners offered us the use of their car until 2 pm the next day, at no cost!  Kevin, our chauffeur for the weekend, passed the driving test by pulling into a parking lot. Bridge, Randi, and I took turns riding shotgun and holding the malfunctioning passenger door closed. One of the three stops of the night was Eddy's, where we all played musical instruments after they opened the bar just for us. I'd say the celebratory weekend was a success :)

~ Stacy

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