Tuesday, April 6, 2010

10 Random Facts from Siem Reap, Cambodia:

  1.  Free pool does not mean, as I was led to believe, a swimming pool.
  2.  The buses play karaoke videos, which Randi actively and enthusiastically participates in.
  3. Ankor draft beer at our guesthouse is only 50 cents!
  4. The ladies here wear pj's during the day. Randi and I wish we'd brought ours to blend in better.
  5.  Local fisherman offer Randi fish as a sign of affection.
  6.  Despite the persistent shopkeepers claims, I  have no need for a wedding dress anytime in the near future.
  7.  At night, on pub street in Siem Reap, the locals and visitors engage in tug of war and jump rope on the streets.
  8.  Our favorite purchase thus far: sweat rags...I'm not joking.
  9.  Randi and I spent the afternoon at an orphanage in Siem Reap. The kids were amazing! It's a good thing that Randi and I are both young, single, and without a large income because otherwise we'd want to bring a few kids home.
  10.  Steep stone stairs are not compatible with dresses, especially if it's discovered that in the sunlight they are see-through.
~ Stacy

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