Saturday, March 26, 2011

Highlights from Chiang Rai, Thailand:

- At the city’s night market, while purchasing matching necklaces, the ground started shaking from underneath us! Initially, Bridge thought it was a train and I thought it was construction. However, as the shaking continued, and Randi led us onto the street, we realized we were all experiencing our first earthquake! When a large flock of disrupted birds flew overhead in a rush, it definitely got our hearts racing! We, also, experienced a few aftershocks; early the next morning Bridge and I even awoke to another one.

- A lovely 3 hour long-tail boat ride along the Mekong River

- Having to close and lock the door at our guesthouse with a bungee chord

- Goodbyes with Bridge... the worst thing about traveling and living abroad :(

~ Stacy

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