Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Turkey Day - Thailand

To celebrate the beginning of the holiday season, I decided to have all my students make Turkeys by tracing their hands and then writing what they were thankful for on the fingers. It took a bit of explaining, they don’t really have turkeys here in Thailand, so I went around explaining it was a larger version of gui (chicken in Thai). I then had to explain "thankful"; even this took a lot of explaining. It was a great success and even Win and Stacy joined in, though they teach older students. It was a nice break from teaching from a book and the kids really got into coloring and designing their turkeys. Most of the turkeys were very impressive.  Many of the things students were thankful for were extremely common: family, friends, teachers, the King and Queen, Thailand, etc. I also got some very interesting things to be thankful for: girlfriend(s), boyfriend(s), computer games, Korea, eggs, my body, me, Anime, cartoon books, etc.  All in all it was a fun project and a nice way to expose the kids to an American holiday. As all of the foreign English teachers here at our school are American we had a nice dinner to celebrate: 1 small chicken, corn on the cob, homemade mashed potatoes, pumpkin custard inside a pumpkin (made by P’Gee - aka amazing), sauteed mushrooms, Thai pizza, and of course Thai beer! We all had a nice time going around and saying what we were thankful for and also just chatting about our different experiences in Thailand so far. There was also the lovely temperature of 84 degrees! It was a great way to spend this family holiday with great friends and awesome food :)

~ Randi

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