Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thai Gym - Ratchaburi, Thailand

In preparation for our Christmas vacation to the islands, Stacy and I have joined a fitness center. This is the term we use due to the fact that Gym means a women’s nether regions in Thai. We have made a few slip-ups during our time here that have resulted in very concerned looks from students! It is a normal Thai gym that includes only machines to lose weight and nothing in terms of muscle gain; which is not at all desired. There are 4 elliptical type machines, about 10 stationary bikes, and then a total of 12 machines that are basically used for stretching and minimal strength training. We have learned the importance of dosing ourselves in bug spray beforehand since the building has no air-conditioning, so all windows and doors are left open. As Stacy says: “There is no worry that we won’t break a sweat considering all we have to do is walk into the building and we start perspiring.” For a total of $3 a month we are now doing as the Thai’s do and getting some exercise 4 nights a week :)

 ~ Randi

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