Monday, May 3, 2010

Latest from Thailand

We've moved to Samut Sakhon, which is 40 min Southwest of Bangkok. We live within walking distance to our school and have two elephants living in our apartment building's backyard! Although, I get to see my favorite animal every day, I wish they didn't have to live in the city in a field scattered with garbage :(  Randi and I have separate apartments, but we're on the same floor. This weekend, we look forward to exploring the area and visiting the sea.

Today, our first day at the school, was spent observing and comforting crying children. The teachers are all extremely kind and helpful. The head English teacher has made it her personal mission to find us Thai boyfriends, despite our protests. This should be interesting??  We're required to wear either blue or pink shirts depending on the day. On Thursdays, however, the only requirement is to dress "beautiful"...whatever that means.

We're both loving Thailand!

~ Stacy

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