Monday, March 29, 2010

Vientiane, Laos

While waiting for the embassy to open, to process our Thai visas, Randi and I spent the weekend in Vientiane. It's a small city, but rather a perfect one for wandering around aimlessly. We visited the Victory Gate of Vientiane and a Buddhist temple. Each evening, we enjoy dinner and drinks along the Mekong river.  Unfortunately, the Mekong river is quite low, but when we sit outside and eat at nite, the darkness hides the large sand piles and the reflections of the water glimmer in the distance.


This evening, Randi and I went to a lovely cultural dinner show with dancing and acting.  It was very serene. At the end of the show, Randi and I were invited to participate in dancing onstage, which we gladly (and embarrassingly) took part in!

Initially, we were only going to visit Laos to obtain our visas, but we've actually loved our time here! The guidebook claims that the people of Laos are the most laid-back in all of South East Asia...and we believe it! It's very relaxing, quaint, serene, and everyone is extremely kind.We're enjoying Laos cuisine, fruit smoothies and french bread. In Thailand, the cheap beer is Chang at around 50 baht and with an alcohol content of 6.4 % . In Laos, it's Beer Lao with an alcohol  content of 5.4%
In a day or two, we'll head to Vang Vieng to explore the caves and go tubing. Then, who knows where to from there :)

 ~ Stacy

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Exploring Thailand

We made it! We got in at 12am Thai time.  After waiting around the airport for an hour and a half we came to the conclusion that our agency had neglected to pick us up.  We chose the cheapest hotel near the airport to spend our first night  in Bangkok.  The next day we spent at our agency, AYC Intercultural Programs Thailand, getting our contracts signed and sorting out where we would be staying while in Bangkok.  We then headed to MBK, one of the major malls in Bangkok, to buy a phone and also get some food. It was not a typical mall.  It was made up of tiny kiosks crowded together and there was very little space to look at anything. But we enjoyed getting out of the heat and people watching.

The next day we met two other AYC teachers, Lucy and Matthew, who have been here since last Thursday. We joined them in exploring Bangkok.  We traveled to the Golden Palace, Khao San road, and Mae Nam Chao Phraya (the main river that runs through Thailand). At the Palace, Stacy and I had to wear long skirts to cover our capris since women have to wear a skirt or long pants. I, also, had to borrow a different shirt because mine did not cover my shoulders. The palace was very ornate with vibrant colors of gold, blue, red, and green.  Unfortunately, we were not able to take many pictures due to religious reasons.   Along Khao San Road (the backpackers district) we all partook in fish foot massages.  For the low price of $10 we put our feet in a large tank filled with bottom feeders.  The fish swam around our feet before latching on and consuming the dead skin.  Stacy lasted about 2 minuets despite having a cold beer in her hand, which was part of the package.  I on the other hand enjoyed the experience.  We both really enjoyed exploring the city, though it may take some time to get used to the heat.

~ Randi

Monday, March 15, 2010

5 Days To Go

Stacy and I have decided to embark on a post-college trip to the other side of the world!  After much deliberation we have chosen to spend a year teaching English in Thailand.  While living in Thailand we will also have the chance to explore Southeast Asia!!! We hope all our friends and family enjoy reading about our experiences living and traveling abroad.  Our journey will begin when we fly out on March 20th on a 23 hour flight!!!  When we arrive we will stay in Bangkok for 4 nights and will then spend one month traveling through Laos and Cambodia. We will return to Bangkok during the last week of April to attend a week long orientation before we begin teaching May 1st.

~ Randi